As promised, below is one of my favorite families that I modeled in 2010. Yet before loading this into your project, please make sure that you go through the below user-guided orientation.
Remember ! Pushing the parameters to their limits may cause any family to malfunction.
So please handle with care.
01. Open the family in Revit 2018. It should appear as below in a 3D view.
02. Load the family into your project. Place it anywhere and view it in 3D. It should appear as below.
04. In the Element Properties, tick-mark the following parameters one after the other: "ADD_RIGHT ARM", "ADD_LEFT ARM" and "ADD_BACKREST". This will provide you with a single-seater sofa.
05. Now try turning on and off the other parameters to see the changes.
06. One last parameter you should be taking care of is the "CIRCULAR_COUCH". Once tick-marked, This parameter is controlled by a "CIRCULAR_ANGLE" parameter. See below image.
Make sure not to use 360 and 0 degrees otherwise the family will malfunction.
07. You can copy (do not mirror) this family multiple times to produce a desired designer-combination as seen in the below image.
Remember ! Pushing the parameters to their limits may cause any family to malfunction.
So please handle with care.
01. Open the family in Revit 2018. It should appear as below in a 3D view.
02. Load the family into your project. Place it anywhere and view it in 3D. It should appear as below.
03. Select the family so that all Instance Parameters appear as below.
04. In the Element Properties, tick-mark the following parameters one after the other: "ADD_RIGHT ARM", "ADD_LEFT ARM" and "ADD_BACKREST". This will provide you with a single-seater sofa.
05. Now try turning on and off the other parameters to see the changes.
06. One last parameter you should be taking care of is the "CIRCULAR_COUCH". Once tick-marked, This parameter is controlled by a "CIRCULAR_ANGLE" parameter. See below image.
Make sure not to use 360 and 0 degrees otherwise the family will malfunction.
07. You can copy (do not mirror) this family multiple times to produce a desired designer-combination as seen in the below image.