01. This is the second part of the "Revit and Excel" tutorial published 26 Oct. 2017.
I highly recommend that you see Part 1 of this tutorial where I have exported Revit parameters and their values into Excel. I will therefore be working on the same Dynamo and Excel files from the previous tutorial
02. In this tutorial, I will show how you how to import parameter values from Excel to Revit and specifically Type Parameters such as Description, Manufacturer and URL.
03. Click Here to download the data sets of this tutorial.
04. Open the Excel File Testing_02. Notice that I have already populated the Description, Manufacturer and URL parameters. Save the file on your hard drive and close it.
05. Open the "TRIANGULAR_MASS_NS.rfa" file.
06. Start Dynamo and open "Excel export and import parameters.dyn" file.
07. At the start of the Dynamo definition insert thrree "Get Family Parameter" nodes. One node for each type parameter required. See below image for clarification.
08. Create a list from the three parameters as below.
09. Use List Chop as below in order to separate the incoming data accordingly for each parameter.
10. Search for the Read from Excel parameter named "Excel.ReadFromFile" and connect the required input nodes as in the below image then Run the Dynamo definition. Here you have imported 575 lists; one list for each panel in addition to a list of all parameters (column titles).
11. All we need from the above list are the parameter values for Description, Manufacturer and URL presented in indices 3, 4 and 5 (3mm Thick Aluminum Composite Panel, AlucoBond and www.alucobond.com) starting from List 1 and repeated until List 575.
12. Therefore I will remove List 0 containing the parameters then segregate indices 3,4 and 5 in a separate list.
13. In order to map the parameters correctly, I will use "Transpose" node to organize that parameters into 3 Lists as was the case in step 09 of this tutorial. For clarification refer to the below image.
14. Search and install a package called "Rhythm". From which I used the "Element.Type" node and connected it to other standard nodes as in the below image.
15. Now we are ready to populate the parameters of the panels is Revit. Therefore use the node "Element.SetParameterByName" and connect it as indicted in the below image.
16. Run the definition then select any panel in the revit scene and click Edit Type where you will see the parameters populated as imported from the Excel sheet. See the below image.
17. Use this method to populate any data from Excel, may that be COBie data, UniClass or any other Specifications.
I highly recommend that you see Part 1 of this tutorial where I have exported Revit parameters and their values into Excel. I will therefore be working on the same Dynamo and Excel files from the previous tutorial
02. In this tutorial, I will show how you how to import parameter values from Excel to Revit and specifically Type Parameters such as Description, Manufacturer and URL.
03. Click Here to download the data sets of this tutorial.
04. Open the Excel File Testing_02. Notice that I have already populated the Description, Manufacturer and URL parameters. Save the file on your hard drive and close it.
05. Open the "TRIANGULAR_MASS_NS.rfa" file.
06. Start Dynamo and open "Excel export and import parameters.dyn" file.
07. At the start of the Dynamo definition insert thrree "Get Family Parameter" nodes. One node for each type parameter required. See below image for clarification.
08. Create a list from the three parameters as below.
09. Use List Chop as below in order to separate the incoming data accordingly for each parameter.
10. Search for the Read from Excel parameter named "Excel.ReadFromFile" and connect the required input nodes as in the below image then Run the Dynamo definition. Here you have imported 575 lists; one list for each panel in addition to a list of all parameters (column titles).
11. All we need from the above list are the parameter values for Description, Manufacturer and URL presented in indices 3, 4 and 5 (3mm Thick Aluminum Composite Panel, AlucoBond and www.alucobond.com) starting from List 1 and repeated until List 575.
12. Therefore I will remove List 0 containing the parameters then segregate indices 3,4 and 5 in a separate list.
13. In order to map the parameters correctly, I will use "Transpose" node to organize that parameters into 3 Lists as was the case in step 09 of this tutorial. For clarification refer to the below image.
14. Search and install a package called "Rhythm". From which I used the "Element.Type" node and connected it to other standard nodes as in the below image.
15. Now we are ready to populate the parameters of the panels is Revit. Therefore use the node "Element.SetParameterByName" and connect it as indicted in the below image.
16. Run the definition then select any panel in the revit scene and click Edit Type where you will see the parameters populated as imported from the Excel sheet. See the below image.
17. Use this method to populate any data from Excel, may that be COBie data, UniClass or any other Specifications.